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Wednesday 10 May 2017


1. X is crystalline salt ofsodium. Solution of X in water
turnslitmusred produces a gas which turnslime water
milky when added to sodium carbonate. With barium
chloride solution, X gives a white precipitate which is
insoluble in dilute hydrochloric acid. X is
A. Na2
D Na2
E. Na2

2. The alkanol obtained from the production of soap is
A. ethanol
B. glycerol
C. methanol
D. propanol
E. glycol

3. The flame used by welders in cotton metals is
A. butane gas flame
B. acetylene flame
C. kerosene flame
D. oxy-acetylene flame
E. oxygen flame

4. Consecutive members of an alkane homologousseries
differ by
B. CH2
C. CH3
D. CnHn
E. CnH2n+2

5. If an element has the lectronic configuration 1s2 2s2 2p6
, it is
A. ametal
B. an alkaline earth metal
C. an s-block element
D. a p-block element
E. a transition element

6. Some copper (11)sulphate pentahydrate (CuSO4
was heated at 120oC with the following results: Wt of
crucible= 10.00 g;Wt ofcrucible +CuSO4
Wt of crucible + residue = 13.54g. How manymolecules
of water of crystallization were lost? [H=1, Cu =63.5,
O=16,S= 32]
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

7. The three-dimensional shape of methane is
A. hexagonal
B. tigonal
C. linear
D. tertrahedral
E. cubical

Question 8-10 are based on the following
An unknown organic compound X has a relative
molecular mass of 180. It is a colourless crystalline solid,
readily soluble in water. X contains the element C, H,
and O in the atomic ratio 1:2:1. The compound has a
sweet taste and melts on heating. In the presence of
yeast and in the absence of air X is converted to
compound Y in the absence of air, X is converted to
compound Y and colourless gas.
Compound Y reacts with sodium metal to produce a
gas Z which gives a ‘pop’ sound with a glowing splint.
Y also reacts with ethanoic acid to give a sweetsmelling
compound W.

8. Compound W is
A. a soap
B. an oil
C. an alkane
D. an ester
E. sucrose

9. Themolecular formula of X is
A. C12H22O11
B. C6H12O6
C. C3H6O3
D. C7H14O7
E. C4H3O4

10. reaction of X with yeast forms the basic of the
A. plastic industry
B. textile industry
C. brewing industry
D. soap industry
E. dyeing industry.

11. A mixture of common salt, ammonium chloride and
barium sulphate can best be separated by
A. addition of water followed by filtration then
B. addition of water followed by sublimation then
C. sublimation followed byaddition of water then
D. fractional distillation
E. fractional crystallization.

12. Which of the following relationships between the
pressure P, the volume V and the temperature T,
represents and ideal gas behaviors?
B. P&T/V
C. PT& V
E. P & V/T

In the above experiment (fig1) the litmus paper will
A. be bleached
B. turn green
C. turn red
D. turn blue
E. turn black

14. The colour imparted to a flame by calcium ion
A. green
B. blue
C. brick-red
D. yellow
E. lilac

15. In the reaction M + N P; H = + Q kJ.
Which of the following would increase the
concentration of the product?
A. Decreasing the concentration of N
B. Increasing the concentration of P
C. Adding a suitable catalyst.
D. Decreasing the temperature

16. In which of the following processes is iron being
1. Fe + H2
H2 + FeSO4
2. FeSO4
+ H2
S FeS + H2
3 FeCl + CI2
4 FeCl3
+ SnCI2
2FeCL2 + SnCI4
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. 3 only
D. 1 and 3
E. 2 and 4.

In the above experiment (fig.2), a current was passed
for 10 minutes and 0.63 g of copper was found to be
deposited on the cathode of CuSO4
cells. The weight
of AgNO3 cell during the same period would be [Cu =
63,Ag –108]
A. 0.54 g
B. 1.08 g
C. 1.62 g
D. 2.16 g
E. 3.24 g

18. In the reaction Fe + Cu2+ Fe2+ + Cu, iron displaces
copper ions to form copper. Thisis due to the fact that
A. iron isin themetallic formwhile dthe copper is
in the ionic form
B. the atomic weight of copper is greater than
that of ion
C. copper metal has more electronsthan ion metal
D. iron is an inert metal
E. iron is higher in the electrochemicalseriesthan

19. C2H5 C =CH2
The correct name of the compound with the above
structural formula is
A. 2-methylbut-1-ene
B. 2-methylbut-2-ene
C. 2-methylbut-1-ene
D. 2-ethyprop-1-ene
E. 2-ethylprop-2-ene

20. How many isomeric forms are there for the molecular
formula C3H6Br2
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

21. A piece of burning sulphur will continue to burn in a
gas jar of oxygen to give misty fumes which readily
dissolve in water. The resulting liquid is
A. sulphur (1V) trioxide
B. Tetraoxosulphate acid (V1)
C. Trioxosulphate (1V) acid
D. Dioxosulphate (11) acid
E. Hydrogen sulphide

22. Sodium decahydrate (Na2
10H2O) an exposure to air
loses all its water of crystallization. The process of loss
is known as
A. Efflorescence
B. Hygroscopy
C. Deliquescence
D. Effervescence
E. Dehydration

23. Which of the following happens during the electrolysis
of molten sodium chloride?
A. Sodium ion loses an electron
B. Chlorine atom gains an electron
C. Chloride ion gains an electron
D. Sodium ion is oxidized
E. Chloride ion is oxidized.

24. Crude petroleum pollutant usuallyseen on some Nigeria
creeks and waterways can be dispersed or removed by.
A. heating the affected parts order to boil off the
B. mechanicallystirring to dissolve the petroleum
in water
C. pouring organic solvents to dissolve the
D. spraying the water with detergents
E. cooling to freeze out the petroleum.

25. An element is electronegative if
A. it has a tendency to exist in the gaseous form
B. its ions dissolve readily in water
C. it has a tendency to lose electrons
D. it has a tendency to gain electrons
E. it readily forms covalent bonds

26. Solution X,Y, and Z have pH values 3.0, 5.0 and 9.0
respectively. Which of the following statements is
A. All the solution are acidic
B. All solution are basic
C. Y and Z are more acidic than water
D. Y is more acidic than X.
E. Z is the least acidic

27. In the reactions
(1) H2 (g) + 1
2 O2
(g) H 2O(1); H=-2.86kJ
(11) C(s) + O2
(g) CO2
(g); H= -406 kJ
the equations imply that
A. more heat is absorbed heat is evolved in (1)
B. more heat is absorbed in (11)
C. less heat is evolved in (1)
D. reaction (11) proceeds faster than (1)
E. reaction (1) proceeds faster than (11)

28. Which of thesemetals, Mg, Fe, Pb, andCu will dissolve
in dilute HCI?
A. All the metals
B. Mgm Fe, and Cu
C. Mg, Fem and Pb
D. Mg and Fe only
E. Mg only

29. Stainless steel is an alloy of
A. Carbon, iron and lead
B. Carbon, ion and chromium
C. Carbon iron and copper
D. Carbon, iron and silver
E. Carbon and iron only

30. What volume of 0.50 MH2
SO4 will exactly neutralize
20cm3 of 0.1 M NaOH solution?
A. 2.0 cm3
B. 5.0 cm3
C. 6.8 cm3
D. 8.3 cm3
E. 10.4cm3

31. Which of the following pair of gases will NOT react
further with oxygen at a temperature between 30oCand
A. SO2 and NH3
B. CO2 and H2
C. NO2 and SO3
D. SO3 and NO
E. CO and H2

32. Some metals are extracted from their ores after some
preliminary treatments by electrolysis (L) some by
thermal reaction(T) and some bya combination of both
processes(TL). Which set-up in the following for the
extraction of iron copper and aluminum is correct?
A. Iron (L), copper (L) m aluminum(T)
B. Iron (T), copper (L), aluminum (T)
C. Ion (TL), copper (TL), aluminium(TL)
D. Iron (L), copper (T), aluminium (T).
E. Ion (T), copper (L), aluminium (TL).

33. In the preparation of some pure crystals of Cu (NO3
starting with CuO, a student gave the following
statements assteps he employed. Which of these shows
a flaw in hisreport?
A. Some CuO was reacted with excess dilute
B. The solution was concentrated
C. When the concentrate was cooled, crystals
formed were removed by filtration.
D. The crystals were washed with very cold water
E. The crystals were then allowed to dry.

34. Which of the following seperation processes is most
likely to yield high quality ethanol (>95%) from palm
A. Fractional disllation without a dehydrant
B. Simple distillation without a dehydrant
C. Fractional distillation with a dehydrant
D. Column chromatography
E. Evaporation

35. Increasing the pressure of a gas
A. lowers the average kinetic energy of the
B. decreases the density of the gas
C. decreases the temperature of the gas
D. increases the density of the gas
E. increases the volume of the gas.

36. 2.5 g of a hydrated barium salt gave on heating, 2.13 g
ofthe anhydrous salt. Given that the relativemolecular
mass of the anhydrous salt is 208, the number of
molecules of water of crystallization of the barium salt
A. 10
B. 7
C. 5
D. 2
E. 1

37. 3.06 g of a sample of potassium trioxochlorate
(v) (KCIO3
) was required to make a saturated solution
with 10cm3 ofwater at 25oC. The solubilityof the salt at
25oCis[K=39,CI =35.5,O=16]
A. 5.0 moles dm3
B. 3.0 moles dm3
C. 2,5 moles dm3
D. 1.0 moles dm3
E. 0.5 moles dm3

38. The cracking processis veryimportant in the petroleum
industry because it
A. gives purer products
B. Yields more lubricants
C. Yields more engine fuels
D. Yields more asphalt
E. Yieldmore candlewax

39. A gas that can behave as reducing agent towards
chlorine and as an oxidizing agent toward hydrogen
sulphide is
A. O2
C. SO2
D. NH3
E. CO2

40. Which if the following solution will give a white
precipitate with barium chloride solution and a green
flame test?
A. Na2SO4
B. CuSO4
C. CaSO4
D. CaCI2
E. (NH4
2 SO4

41. The mass of an atom is determined by
A. itsionization potential
B. its electrochemical potential
C. the number of protons
D. the number of neutrons and protons
E. the number of neutrons and electrons

42. Which of the following is neutralization
A. Addition of chloride solution
B. Addition of trioxonirate (V) acid (nitric acid)
to distilled water.
C. Addition of trioxonirate (V) acid (nitric acid)
to tetraoxosulphate (V1) acid (sulphuric acid).



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