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Wednesday 10 May 2017


1. A confederal system of government means
A. strong regional governments and a weak
central authority
B. a strong central
authority and weak regional governments
C. a strong central authority and strong
regional governments D. a weak central
authority and weak regional governments

2. The organs of government which are normally fused
in a military regime are the
A. Civil service and parastatals
B. Legisla
ture and the Executive C. Executive and the
D. judiciary and the legislature

3. In a monarchical form of Government, sovereignty
resides with
A. the council of ministers
B. royality
C. peasantry
D. the entire citizenry

4. A constitution is rigid if it
A. cannot be amended B. is found only in
one written document C. requires special
procedures for amendment
D. is changed only by judicial interpretation

5. In a unitary state, power is concentrated in the
A. local government
B. constituent units
of the state
C. major ethnic groups D. national government

6. Fundamental rights are best guaranteed by
A. independent judiciary
B. good leadership
C. effective legislature
D. efficient civil service

7. The main objective of pressure groups is to
A. win political power
B. conduct free and fair elections
C. mobilize support on behalf of governmen
D. protect the interests of its members

8. Franchise means
A. resident aliens can vote
B. French people can
C. right to vote
D. executive order

9. A parliamentary system of government is characterized by
A. separation of powers B. fusion of powers
C. delegated legislation
D. legislative supremacy

10. Under proportional representation, elections are won
on the basis of
A. simple majority of votes cast
B. absolute majority of votes cast
C. two-thirds majority of votes cast
D. votes received relative to those of other parties

11. A special election organised to decide on a political
issue is
A. plebiscite
B. by-election
C. general election
D. primaryelection

12. The electorate means
A. elected members of the Assembly
B. candidates for election
C. electoral officers
D. citizens qualified to vote

13. The term ‘Rule of Law’ refersto situationsin which
A. lawyers are the rulers
B. laws are supreme
C. the judiciary is independent
D. parliament makes laws

14. Which of the following is NOT a unique feature of
federal constitution?
A. Division of power
B. At least two
levels of government
C. Supremacy of the
D. Independence of the

15. An important principle of the civil service is
A. authoritarianism
B. anonymity
C. nepotism
D. partisanship

16. Which of the following is NOT necessarily a characteristic feature of a state?
A. A territory
B. An army
C. A government
D. A system of laws

17. In a federal system of government
A. the central government shares powers
equally with the state governments
B. all the states of the federation are equal in
size and population
C. state courts
control federal couts
D. the central
government has exclusive power over defence
andforeign affairs

18. Bicameral legislature exists
A. where cameramen are allowed to cover the
proceedings of the legislature
B. to prevent the
concentration of power in one legislative house
C. to provide jobs for more politicians
D. to ensure
that just laws are passed

19. Socialism is associated with
A. Karl Marx
B. Nicolo Machiavelli
C. Aristotle
D. Plato

20. The body that selects the head of government
following a general election isthe
A. senate
B. electoral college
C. electoral committee D. supreme court

21. In liberal democracies, elections help to
A. determine the acceptability of the government�
B. unite the country against outside groups
C. create goodwill throughout the nation
D. identify the richest groups in the country

22. A major feature of the presidental system of
government is that the
A. president is not responsible for his ministers
B. ministers are not collectively responsible
to the president
C. president does not need the
legislature to pass laws D. president is not a member
of the legislature

23. The termination of a session of a legislature by
proclamation issued by the head of states is called
A. prorogation
B. dissolution
C. plebiscite
D. summons

24. The forceful domination of one country by another is called
A. nationalism
B. totalitarianism
C. dictatorship
D. colonization

25. Which of the following traditional political systems
was republican?
A. Igbo
B. Yoruba
C. Fulani
D. Bini

26. Which of the following is a function of the local
government in Nigeria?
A. Collection of radioand television licence fees
B. Collection of company tax
C. Appointment of customary court judges
D. Appointment of traditional rulers

27. An important factor that brought about the introduction
of federalism in Nigeria wasthe
A. existence of three regions
B. division
of governments
C. diversity and
complexity in social and cultural patterns
D. existence of cultural and bicameral legislature

28. When did Nigeria adopt the nineteen-state structure?
A. 1960
B. 1966
C. 1976
D. 1979

29. Who was the architect of the British rule in Nigeria?
A. George Tubman Goldie
B. Frederick Lugard
C. Hugh Clifford
D. Arthur Richards

30. the head of the first military government in Nigeria was?
A. General Muritala Muhammed
B. General Yakubu Gowon
C. General Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi
D. General Olusegun Obasanjo

31. Herbert Macaulay was the first president of

32. The Nigerian Youth Movement was formed to
A. fight for greater participation of Nigerians in
colonial politics
B. enable the educated elite seize
power from the cheifs C. establish more schools
throughout the country D. fight for the free movement
of youths

33. Under the indirect rule system
A. chiefs were allowed to govern their people
B. colonial administrators shared power equally
with traditional rulers C. traditional rulers
were encouraged to adopt the British system
of government
D. colonial adminis
tratorsincreased the powers of traditional rulers

34. The fundamental Objectives and Directive principles
of State Policy in the 1979 constitution do not include
A. democracy and social justice
B. federal character and inequality
C. concentration of wealth and provision of
maximum welfare
D. national integration and ethnic loyality

35. Nigerian federalism before 1966 was bedeviled by
A. amendment clauses of the constitution
B. large number of local government areas
C. lack of unifomity of the civil service
D. uneven sizes of the constituent regions

36. Nigeria attained independence in 1960 through
A. negotiation between the British government and
Nigerian nationalists
B. armed struggle by Nigerian
nationalists and traditional rulers
C. negotiation
between the British government and the United
D. negotiation between the British government
and traditional rulers

37. The Clifford constitution was notable for
A. amalgamating the Northern and Southern
B. introducing indirect rule
C. establishing the legislative council
D. creating a Northern majority in the
legislative council

38. Under the Macpherson Constitution, members of the
central legislature were
A. appointed by the governor-general
B. chosen from the regional legislature
C. elected directly by the whole country
D. appointed by the regional Lt-Governors

39. The founder of the Universal Negro Improvement
Association was
A. Casely Hayford
B. Herbert Macaulay
C. Marcus Garvey
D. W.E.B. Du Bois

40. The foremost nationalist leaders in pre-independent
Nigeria were
A. Herbert Macaulay, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Obafemi
Awolowo and Shehu Shagari
B. Herbert Macaulay, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Obafemi
Awolowo and Ahmadu Bello
C. Herbert Macaulay, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Obafemi
Awolowo and Muhammadu Ribadu
D. Alvan Ikoku, Samuel Akintola, Herbert
Macaulay and Ahmadu Bello

41. The 1976 Local Government Reforms declared that
traditional rulers should
A. Perform executive functions �
B. preside over local government councils
C. perform advisory roles
D. enact laws

42. By-laws are
A. enactment by the legislature
B. regulations enacted by local governments
C. fundamental judicial statements
D. private bills

43. One of the objectives of the OAU is to ensure
A. mutual assistance of member states in
suppressing domestic uprising
B. non-interference in internal affairs of
member state C.constant read justment of
territorial boundaries of member states
D. unification of liberation movements in
Southern Africa

44. The administrative headquaters of ECOWAS isin
A. Lome
B. Cotonou
C. Dakar
D. Lagos

45. The UNO was founded in 1945 to replace the
C. Commonwealth of Nations
D. League of Nations

46. The UNO charter aims at
A. ensuring economic equality among nations
B. protecting the right of refugees
C. ensuring world peace and security
D. ensuring fair treatment for prisoners ofwar

47. The commonwealth of Nations is made up of
A. African and Asian States
B. Britain and some of her former colonies
C. France and some of her former colonies
D. French and English speaking African countries

48. Which of the following countries belonged to the
Casablanca Group?
A. Liberia
B. Tunisia
C. Mali
D. Cote d’Ivoire

49. Public corporations are set up to
A. makeprofit
B. compete with private sector
C. cater for those businesses that cannot be left
entirely to privatebenterprise
D. enhance the prestige of government

50. In Nigeria,the institution that preserves civil liberty is the
A. Public Complaints Commission
B. law court
C. Civil Service Commission
D. police commission



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